Wednesday 12 August 2009

mr Killer Smile

There are days when you're feeling not that great at work and something comes in and makes your day. Cue mr killer smile. So here i was waiting for customers and this guy walks in, not that great looking and he asks if we have any jobs going, so i ask for his cv, he hasn't got one, and then i remembered my dad takes phone numbers anyways for potential workers, so

'You know what, stick your name and number down and we'll call you' I said
and he SMILES. Ohmygod. It WAS LIKE THE SUNSHINEEE. That instantly made him cuter.

Forget eyes, a great smile is what one needs on a dreary day. Perhaps this could be the weapon we need for our sushi bar, a waiter with an AMAZING smile.

Mr Killer smile definately made my day. =)

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